
LUMIFUSÍON 10% Pure Vitamin C Anti-Spot Dynamic Serum

(2 opinie) 5.00

A shot of pure, stabilized vitamin C 10% in a cocktail of whitening super antioxidants. Recommended for all skin types prone to discoloration, including acne and sun spots. With regular use of the serum, pigmentation spots are dynamically lightened.

A shot of pure, stabilized vitamin C 10% in a cocktail of whitening super antioxidants. Recommended for all skin types prone to discoloration, including acne and sun spots. With regular use of the serum, pigmentation spots are dynamically lightened.

Capacity: 30 ml




    A shot of pure, stabilized vitamin C 10% in a cocktail of whitening super antioxidants. The serum is recommended for all skin types prone to discoloration, including acne and sun spots. Also great for tired skin, with signs of aging, requiring rapid brightening and rejuvenation of appearance.

    With regular use of the serum, pigmentation spots are dynamically lightened. This has been confirmed by advanced apparatus tests.

    Microbiotechnological collagen and cross-linked hyaluronic acid allow to achieve excellent hydration and firming of the skin, improve its condition. A cocktail of powerful antioxidants brightens and protects against the symptoms of photoaging, including the formation of discoloration after sun exposure. The dynamic serum sensationally brightens ,the complexion and gives it an even tone.

    The skin acquires the structure of silk, becomes delightfully smooth and full of life. It looks attractive.




    A shot of pure, stabilized vitamin C 10% in a cocktail of whitening super antioxidants. The serum is recommended for all skin types prone to discoloration, including acne and sun spots. Also great for tired skin, with signs of aging, requiring rapid brightening and rejuvenation of appearance.

    With regular use of the serum, pigmentation spots are dynamically lightened. This has been confirmed by advanced apparatus tests.

    Microbiotechnological collagen and cross-linked hyaluronic acid allow to achieve excellent hydration and firming of the skin, improve its condition. A cocktail of powerful antioxidants brightens and protects against the symptoms of photoaging, including the formation of discoloration after sun exposure. The dynamic serum sensationally brightens ,the complexion and gives it an even tone.

    The skin acquires the structure of silk, becomes delightfully smooth and full of life. It looks attractive.

    • Pure, stabilized vitamin C 10% in a cocktail of whitening super antioxidants.
    • Microbiotechnological collagen.
    • Cross-linked hyaluronic acid.

    Apply 1-2 twice a day to the whole face, adding a second layer to areas with discoloration until they lighten.

    WARNING! A prerequisite for maintaining good anti-pigmentation effects is the parallel use of a cream with SPF 30-50 sunscreen. Otherwise, no whitening treatment will be effective! / To be used only on healthy skin. / Protect the area around the eyes.

    Reviews (2)
    LUMIFUSÍON 10% Pure Vitamin C Anti-Spot Dynamic Serum
    5.00 (2 opinie)
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    FORTEFUSÍON Hyaluronic Acid Forte Color Changed Day Cream SPF30
    LUMIFUSÍON 10% Pure Vitamin C Anti-Spot Dynamic Serum
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    1. Ewa
      Serum w moim przypadku działa cuda. Moja skóra jest bardzo skłonna do przebarwień, a serum wyjątkowo ja wygładziło i rozjaśniło. Przebarwienia, które miałam kilka lat w końcu zniknęły oczywiście po długim regularnym stosowaniu, lecz pierwsze rezultaty widziałam już po miesiącu stosowania. Moja buzia stała sie promienna, a nie szara oraz intensywnie nawilżona. Polecam całym sercem
    2. ma************@.
      Witam, używam serum i jestem pod wrażeniem jak ładnie rozjaśniają się przebarwienia posłoneczne. Nadmienię, że stosuję leki fotouczulające, a co za tym idzie plamy na twarzy powstają u mnie szybko , a naprawdę trudno je usunąć. Polecam wszystkim. Z nadzieją stosuję dalej ;) Pozdrawiam
    3. Mo************@.
      Do tej pory nie stosowałam serum. Jednak okazuje się, że jest niezbędne i doskonale się sprawdza przy stsosowaniu z kremem z tej samej serii. Plamki są prawie niewidoczne, a miałam iść "na laser". Także kochane używajcie, jeśli chcecie rozjaśnić odrobinę cery i odświeżyć, do tego znikną plamki. Polecam

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